Unlocking Potential: What Should I Do with an Old iPhone 5S?

Have you recently upgraded your iPhone and now have an old iPhone 5S sitting around collecting dust? Don’t let it go to waste! There are plenty of options to consider when it comes to unlocking the potential of your old device. Whether you choose to recycle, sell, trade-in, donate, repurpose, or dispose of your iPhone 5S, there’s a solution that suits your needs and preferences.

So, what should you do with an old iPhone 5S? Let’s explore the possibilities!

Key Takeaways:

  • Recycling your iPhone 5S is an environmentally responsible option.
  • Selling your iPhone 5S can help you get some cash in return.
  • Trade-in programs allow you to exchange your old iPhone 5S for credit towards a new device.
  • Donating your iPhone 5S is a great way to help others in need.
  • Repurposing your iPhone 5S can give it a new lease on life.

Unlocking Your iPhone 5S

If you find yourself with an old iPhone 5S that is locked to a specific carrier, such as Verizon, you may need to unlock it before considering other options. Unlocking your iPhone 5S will allow you to use it with any compatible carrier. To unlock your Verizon iPhone 5S, you will need to contact Verizon customer support and inquire about their unlocking requirements. There may be a fee involved, typically around $50. Once your iPhone 5S is unlocked, you will have the freedom to choose the best course of action for your device.

Unlocking your iPhone 5S opens up a world of possibilities. Whether you decide to recycle, sell, donate, repurpose, or dispose of your device, an unlocked iPhone 5S gives you the flexibility to make the most of your old device. It’s important to note that unlocking your iPhone 5S may void any warranty or service agreements with your carrier, so it’s important to weigh the pros and cons before proceeding.

By unlocking your iPhone 5S, you can take advantage of trade-in programs offered by retailers and mobile carriers. These programs allow you to trade in your old device for credit towards a new device or other purchases. You can also explore the option of selling your iPhone 5S on online marketplaces to get some cash in return. Donating your iPhone 5S to charitable organizations is another meaningful way to give your old device a new purpose.

Checking Carrier Lock Status

Before deciding what to do with your old iPhone 5S, it’s crucial to verify its carrier lock status. This is especially important if you’re facing issues with activation or cellular connectivity. Even if your device was previously unlocked, certain circumstances can cause it to become carrier locked again. In cases where you restore your phone from a backup and encounter a “SIM not valid” message, it may indicate that the device has been locked to a specific carrier, such as NTT Docomo.

Why is Carrier Lock Status Important?

The carrier lock status of your iPhone 5S determines which cellular networks you can use. If your device is carrier locked, it means you can only use it with the carrier it is locked to, unless you unlock it. This can limit your options when it comes to switching carriers or using different SIM cards. Checking the lock status helps you understand the compatibility of your device and ensures that you can make informed decisions about what to do with it.

To check the carrier lock status of your iPhone 5S, you can follow these steps:

  1. Insert a SIM card from a different carrier into your iPhone 5S.
  2. Power on your device and wait for it to detect the new SIM card.
  3. If your iPhone 5S displays a signal and allows you to make calls, it is likely carrier unlocked. However, if you see a “SIM not valid” or similar message, it suggests that your device may be carrier locked.
  4. Another way to check the carrier lock status is by contacting your carrier’s customer support. They can provide you with information about the lock status of your device and guide you on unlocking options if necessary.

Unlocking Your iPhone 5S

If you discover that your iPhone 5S is carrier locked and you want to use it with a different carrier or SIM card, unlocking your device is an option to consider. Unlocking your iPhone 5S allows you to use it with any compatible carrier, offering greater flexibility and freedom.

To unlock your iPhone 5S, you will need to contact your carrier’s customer support and inquire about their unlocking requirements. Each carrier may have different procedures and fees associated with unlocking. For example, Verizon typically charges around $50 for unlocking a device. By following the carrier’s instructions and paying any necessary fees, you can unlock your iPhone 5S and regain control over its use.

Recycling Your iPhone 5S

When it comes to disposing of your old iPhone 5S, recycling is a responsible and environmentally friendly option. By recycling your device, you can ensure that valuable resources are recovered and electronic waste is properly managed. Many organizations and retailers offer recycling programs where you can drop off your iPhone 5S for proper disposal or refurbishment.

Recycling your iPhone 5S is a simple process. First, make sure to back up any important data from your device and then erase all personal information. You can do this by going to “Settings,” then “General,” followed by “Reset,” and selecting “Erase All Content and Settings.” Once your iPhone 5S is cleared of personal data, you can drop it off at a designated recycling location.

Benefits of Recycling Your iPhone 5S Disadvantages of Recycling Your iPhone 5S
Helps conserve natural resources Limited trade-in or resale value
Reduces electronic waste May require additional effort to find a recycling location
Prevents hazardous materials from entering landfills

By recycling your iPhone 5S, you can make a positive impact on the environment and contribute to a more sustainable future. So, if you’re wondering what to do with your old iPhone 5S, consider recycling as a responsible option.

Selling Your iPhone 5S

If your iPhone 5S is still in good working condition, selling it can be a great way to get some cash in return. There are several online marketplaces and buyback programs that offer a convenient platform for selling your device. Researching the market value of your iPhone 5S will help you determine a fair price for your device.

When selling your iPhone 5S online, consider using reputable platforms such as eBay, Swappa, or Gazelle. These platforms provide a secure and reliable way to connect with potential buyers. It’s important to accurately describe the condition of your device and include clear pictures to attract potential buyers.

Another option is to explore buyback programs offered by retailers and mobile carriers. These programs allow you to trade-in your old iPhone 5S for credit towards a new device or other purchases. Some popular buyback programs include Apple’s Trade-in program, Best Buy’s Trade-in program, and carrier-specific programs like Verizon’s Device Trade-in.

Comparison of Online Marketplaces and Buyback Programs

Online Marketplace Buyback Program
Wide pool of potential buyers Convenient and hassle-free process
Ability to negotiate prices Immediate credit towards a new device or purchase
Seller responsible for shipping and handling Prepaid shipping label provided
May take longer to sell the device Quick turnaround time

Before selling your iPhone 5S, make sure to securely wipe all personal data from the device. This ensures that your personal information remains protected. Additionally, always use a trusted payment method and be cautious of potential scams or fraudulent buyers.

By selling your iPhone 5S, you can not only free up some extra cash but also contribute to the sustainability of electronic devices by promoting reuse and reducing electronic waste.

Trading In Your iPhone 5S

When considering what to do with your old iPhone 5S, trading it in can be a smart option. Many retailers and mobile carriers offer trade-in programs where you can exchange your device for credit towards a new phone or other purchases. This not only helps you save money on your upgrade but also ensures that your old iPhone is responsibly disposed of or refurbished.

To get started, research the potential trade-in value of your iPhone 5S. Several factors can affect the trade-in value, such as the device’s condition, storage capacity, and model. Compare trade-in offers from different retailers and carriers to find the best deal for your specific device.

Upgrade programs are another benefit of trading in your iPhone 5S. These programs allow you to get the latest iPhone model without paying the full retail price upfront. Instead, you can trade in your old device and receive a discount or monthly installment plan for the new phone. This makes it easier to stay up-to-date with the latest technology without breaking the bank.

Trade-In Value Retailer Upgrade Program
$200 Best Buy Yes
$180 Apple Yes
$150 Verizon Yes

Before trading in your iPhone 5S, remember to erase all personal data from the device and reset it to factory settings. This will protect your privacy and ensure that your information doesn’t end up in the wrong hands. Additionally, it’s a good idea to back up any important data or transfer it to your new device before initiating the trade-in process.

By trading in your iPhone 5S, you can upgrade to a new device while responsibly disposing of your old one. Explore different trade-in options, compare values and upgrade programs, and make the most of your old iPhone 5S.

Trade-in iPhone 5S

Donating Your iPhone 5S

When you no longer have a use for your old iPhone 5S, donating it can be a meaningful way to give back to the community. By donating your device, you can help charitable organizations that support various causes. Before donating, it’s important to ensure that your iPhone 5S is properly wiped of personal data and in good condition to be refurbished.

There are several charitable organizations that accept electronic device donations. One such organization is Electronic Reuse and Recycling Network (ERRN), which refurbishes devices to provide technology access to underserved communities. Another option is TechSoup, a non-profit that connects organizations in need with refurbished devices.

When donating your iPhone 5S, it’s a good idea to check with the organization about their specific requirements and refurbishment process. Some organizations may have guidelines on the condition and type of devices they accept. By donating, you can help extend the life cycle of your old iPhone 5S and contribute to a more sustainable future.

Charitable Organization Focus Area Contact Information
Electronic Reuse and Recycling Network (ERRN) Providing technology access to underserved communities Email: [email protected]
TechSoup Connecting organizations in need with refurbished devices Email: [email protected]

By donating your iPhone 5S to a charitable organization, you can make a positive impact and help someone in need benefit from your old device. It’s a simple act of kindness that can go a long way.

Repurposing Your iPhone 5S

When your iPhone 5S is no longer suitable for everyday use, there are still plenty of creative ways to repurpose it and give it a new lease on life. By repurposing your old iPhone 5S, you can explore different functions and make the most of its capabilities.

One popular option is to transform your iPhone 5S into a dedicated music player. Simply remove the SIM card, disable cellular data, and load up your device with your favorite tunes. You can use it to create personalized playlists, connect it to speakers or headphones, and enjoy your music on the go.

Another great repurposing idea is to turn your iPhone 5S into a smart home device. With the help of compatible apps and accessories, you can use your device to control various aspects of your smart home, such as lighting, temperature, and security. Transform your iPhone 5S into a central hub for managing your smart devices and simplify your home automation setup.

Repurpose iPhone 5S

If you’re feeling creative, you can also repurpose your iPhone 5S into a digital photo frame. Load it up with your favorite photos and use it as a decorative piece or a unique gift. With the device’s compact size and high-resolution display, it’s perfect for showcasing cherished memories.

Table: Repurposing Ideas for Your iPhone 5S

Repurposing Idea Description
Dedicated Music Player Remove the SIM card, disable cellular data, and use your iPhone 5S to enjoy your favorite music.
Smart Home Device Transform your iPhone 5S into a central hub for managing your smart home gadgets.
Digital Photo Frame Load your iPhone 5S with photos and use it to showcase cherished memories.
Portable Gaming Device Install popular games and use your iPhone 5S as a dedicated gaming device.

With a little creativity and imagination, you can find the perfect repurposing idea for your iPhone 5S. Whether it becomes a dedicated music player, a smart home device, or even a digital photo frame, your old iPhone 5S can continue to be a valuable asset in your daily life.

Disposing of Your iPhone 5S

When it comes to disposing of your old iPhone 5S, it’s important to follow proper electronic waste regulations to minimize environmental impact. Simply throwing it in the regular trash can harm the environment, so it’s best to explore recycling or electronic waste drop-off locations in your area.

Electronic waste contains hazardous materials that can pollute the soil and water if not disposed of correctly. By recycling your iPhone 5S, valuable resources such as metals and plastics can be recovered and reused, reducing the need for new raw materials and minimizing waste.

Local electronic waste regulations vary, so it’s essential to check what options are available in your community. Look for designated recycling centers or programs that accept electronic devices for proper disposal. These centers often have the expertise to handle electronic waste safely and responsibly.

By disposing of your iPhone 5S correctly, you contribute to the circular economy and help protect the environment. Remember to remove any personal data from your device by performing a factory reset or contacting a professional service to ensure your information remains secure.

Advantages of Proper Disposal

Properly disposing of your iPhone 5S not only benefits the environment but also ensures that hazardous materials are handled safely. Here are some advantages of following electronic waste regulations:

  • Preventing environmental contamination by hazardous materials
  • Reducing the need for new raw materials through recycling
  • Conserving energy and resources
  • Promoting responsible waste management practices

By considering the impact of your actions and responsibly disposing of your iPhone 5S, you can contribute to a more sustainable future.

Remember: Always check local regulations and guidelines for the proper disposal of electronic waste.

Considering Trade-In Value

When it comes to deciding what to do with your old iPhone 5S, one option to consider is trading it in. Trading in your device allows you to exchange it for credit towards a new device or other purchases. To make the most of this option, it’s important to understand the trade-in value of your iPhone 5S. This value can vary based on factors such as the condition, storage capacity, and model of your device.

Trade-In Price Comparison

Before trading in your iPhone 5S, it’s a good idea to research and compare trade-in offers from different retailers and carriers. This will help you determine which option offers the best value for your device. Keep in mind that trade-in prices can differ significantly, so taking the time to compare offers can result in a higher trade-in value.

To begin the comparison process, gather information on the current market prices for iPhone 5S trade-ins. Look for reputable retailers and carriers that offer trade-in programs and visit their websites or call their customer service to inquire about the trade-in value they offer. Consider factors such as whether they accept devices with cosmetic or functional issues, as this may impact the trade-in value they offer for your iPhone 5S.

Retailer/Carrier Trade-In Value for iPhone 5S (Excellent Condition)
Retailer A $100
Retailer B $120
Carrier A $80

*Table 1: Trade-In Values for iPhone 5S in Excellent Condition (Prices may vary)

Table 1 provides an example of how trade-in values can differ between retailers and carriers. By comparing offers, you can determine which option offers the best trade-in value for your iPhone 5S. Remember to factor in any additional benefits or incentives offered by the retailer or carrier, such as promotional deals or upgrade programs, when making your decision.


After exploring the various options for what to do with an old iPhone 5S, it’s clear that there are numerous possibilities to consider. Whether you choose to repurpose, recycle, sell, donate, or trade-in your device, each option has its own benefits and considerations to keep in mind.

If you’re feeling creative and want to give your iPhone 5S a new lease on life, repurposing it as a dedicated music player, smart home device, or portable gaming device can be a fun and practical choice. Not only does this allow you to continue using the device, but it also reduces electronic waste and maximizes its utility.

On the other hand, if you’re looking for some extra cash, selling or trading in your iPhone 5S can be a good option. Research the market value of your device and explore online marketplaces and trade-in programs to find the best deal. Alternatively, if you’d like to make a positive impact, donating your iPhone 5S to a charitable organization can help someone in need and ensure that your device is put to good use.

Lastly, if your iPhone 5S is no longer functional or beyond repair, it’s important to dispose of it properly to prevent environmental harm. Check your local electronic waste regulations and find designated drop-off locations or recycling programs in your area.

Ultimately, the choice of what to do with your old iPhone 5S is up to you. Consider the condition of your device, its trade-in value, and your personal preferences to make an informed decision and unlock the true potential of your old iPhone 5S.


What should I do with an old iPhone 5S?

There are several options to consider when deciding what to do with an old iPhone 5S. You can recycle, sell, trade-in, donate, repurpose, or dispose of your device. It’s important to explore the various possibilities and determine what best suits your needs and preferences.

How do I unlock my Verizon iPhone 5S?

To unlock your Verizon iPhone 5S, you will need to contact Verizon customer support and inquire about their unlocking requirements. There may be a fee involved, typically around $50.

How can I check the carrier lock status of my iPhone 5S?

If you are experiencing issues with activation or cellular connectivity, it’s important to check the carrier lock status of your iPhone 5S. Sometimes, even if a device was previously unlocked, it can become carrier locked again due to certain circumstances. If you encounter a “SIM not valid” message after restoring your phone from a backup, it may indicate that the device has been locked to a carrier like NTT Docomo.

Can I recycle my old iPhone 5S?

Recycling your old iPhone 5S is an environmentally responsible option. Many organizations and retailers offer recycling programs where you can drop off your device for proper disposal or refurbishment. Recycling your iPhone 5S ensures that valuable resources are recovered and reduces electronic waste.

How can I sell my iPhone 5S?

If your iPhone 5S is still in good working condition, you may consider selling it. Several online marketplaces and buyback programs offer a convenient way to sell your device and get some cash in return. Research the market value of your iPhone 5S and choose a reputable platform or service to sell it.

Can I trade-in my iPhone 5S?

Many retailers and mobile carriers offer trade-in programs where you can exchange your old iPhone 5S for credit towards a new device or other purchases. Research trade-in values and compare offers to find the best deal for your iPhone 5S. Some programs also offer trade-in options for devices with cosmetic or functional issues.

How can I donate my old iPhone 5S?

Donating your old iPhone 5S is a great way to help others in need. Several charitable organizations accept electronic device donations and use them to support various causes. Before donating, ensure that your iPhone 5S is properly wiped of personal data and check with the organization to understand their requirements and refurbishment process.

Can I repurpose my old iPhone 5S?

If your iPhone 5S is no longer suitable for everyday use, you can repurpose it for other functions. You can turn it into a dedicated music player, a smart home device, a digital photo frame, or even a portable gaming device. Explore various creative ideas and find a new purpose for your old iPhone 5S.

How should I dispose of my iPhone 5S?

If your iPhone 5S is damaged beyond repair or no longer functional, it’s important to dispose of it properly to prevent environmental harm. Check local electronic waste regulations and guidelines for safe disposal methods. Avoid throwing your iPhone 5S in the regular trash and explore recycling or electronic waste drop-off locations in your area.

How do I determine the trade-in value of my iPhone 5S?

When deciding whether to sell or trade-in your iPhone 5S, consider its trade-in value. Research the current market prices and compare trade-in offers from different retailers and carriers to get the best value for your device. Keep in mind that trade-in values may vary based on the condition, storage capacity, and model of your iPhone 5S.

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